Presentations from Memorial Symposium will be online for a few months after the meeting
For comments about the presentations and future thoughts:
Welcome back to Oslo!
Marie Bunne

Organising Committee
Marie Bunne, MD, PhD, senior consultant, Head of Otology Section*
Greg Jablonski, MD, PhD, senior consultant*
Eva Karltorp, MD, Head of Cochlear Implant Section, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Mattheus Vischer, MD, PhD, ORL Dept., Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland President of the Swiss ORL Society
Ole Tvete, audiophysicist*
Ona Bø Wie, PhD, speech & language teacher*
Kjell Rasmussen, audiophysicist*
Lisbeth Wingaard, audiologist*
*) Section for Otology, department of Otorhinolaryngology, Division of Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital, Norway |